Har du lyst å seile en spennende J/70 jenteregatta i Hamburg i månedsskiftet september / oktober?
KNS har en plass tilgjengelig, og søker derfor etter et KNS-lag som ønsker å være med.
Påmeldingsavgiften blir sponset av KNS, men seilerne betaler selv fly, bo og mat.
Høres dette interessant ut? Ta kontakt med Cathrine Gjerpen Størmer på cathrine@kns.no
Mer om regattaen finner du under.
„Ladies only“ Helga Cup Regatta now scheduled from September 30th to October 03rd, 2021
Please be advised that after the fantastic successes of the three previous years the NRV – Norddeutscher Regatta Verein in Hamburg / GERMANY will again organize and host the “Ladies Only” HELGA CUP REGATTA event this year from September 30th to October 3rd, 2021.
At this time, the top twenty participating teams of the 2020 Helga Cup are already registered for the 2021 regatta event. You are kindly invited to nominate a “ladies only” team for this year’s Helga Cup. Registrations are received on a “first come, first serve” basis. There will be a cut-off after 96 entries.
Here are initial details of this thrilling regatta event with more information to follow:
Sailing format: 6 to 8 boats fleet race
Boats to be used: J 70 – with crews of 4 women each
Boats and sails: will be provided by the organizer
Open to: women of all ages, Corinthian or professional sailors
Rules & Organization: follows German Sailing League regulations (similar to European Champions and US Premier Sailing League)
Notice of Race: to be published in due course
Registration fee: € 370.00 per team of 4 women
All you must do at this time is:
Register via the Helga Cup Online Tool: https://www.helgacup.de/international/ on the internet and follow the instructions on the website.
Once your registration has been received, we will let you have a confirmation.
Furthermore, please spread the word amongst your sailing lady friends, save the date in your calendar in order not to miss this unique opportunity of competitive ladies only regatta sailing and make sure to register soonest possible as the registration list is filling fast.
The NoR – Notice of Race plus additional information covering this event will be made available to you from time to time in due course.
Organization/ Concept/ Idea:
Sven Jürgensen sven.juergensen@nrv.de +49 171 683 5555 Press relations officer:
Sina Entzminger Wolf sina@wf-text.de +49 151 5460 1776 International Contact:
Wolfgang Weber: wolfgang.weber@nrv.de Organizing club:
Norddeutscher Regatta Verein e.V. Schoene Aussicht 37
D-22085 Hamburg
E-Mail: helgacup@nrv.de
+49-171 385 33 76
We look forward to seeing you and your sailing lady friends in Hamburg on the dates mentioned above. So, do not hesitate but be part of the fun and the action.
Drop us a line at – helgacup@nrv.de – to indicate your interest in participation at your earliest convenience.
Please send a copy of your mail to the undersigned at – wolfgang.weber@nrv.de. I will be at your entire disposal to answer any questions you may have in this connection. Thank you.
Wolfgang Weber – Delegate International Affairs