Term and Conditions of use

Membership and user categories

Registered boat pool users are defined in to categories:

  • “Skippers” are authorized users that have access to boat booking systems. KNS and/or pool boat working group representatives have the ability to approve users as “skippers”
  •  “Crew users” are members who aren’t (yet) authorized as skippers. Crew users must sail with a registered skipper.  “Crew users” can any time apply for skipper authorization by KNS and/or the boat pool committee. Once they are authorized skippers, skipper rights and responsibilities will apply.
  • The term “user” is used to designate crew users and skippers without distinction.
  • Unless preliminary and specific agreement with KNS administration, boat pool users aren’t authorized to bring non-members of KNS pool boat when sailing. Skipper authorization is delivered by KNS – or boatpool working group representatives (contact karl@kns.no for more information)

Booking of boats

Only skippers have access to KNS online booking system. Crew users are entitled to sail with authorized skippers.

Booking is mandatory to use boats. Boats can only be used during the booked period. Usage of the boat without booking will be registered and it may imply immediate warning and eventually exclusion of the boat pool arrangement.

Reservation cannot be made more than 2 weeks in advance from reservation date. A maximum of 4 consecutive bookings for a period of 2 weeks is defined to ensure availability for other boat pool members

Specific days are reserved to regatta sailing and are indicated as such in the booking system. During these days, priority is given to users who want to participate to regatta. Boats may be used for recreational sailing (e.g. over night / weekend sailing), after prior agreement with KNS.

KNS has the right to limit boat availability without restriction.  This applies in particular to planned maintenance, sail events and regatta participation, including boat road transportation to other locations. Availability of all the boats is updated in the booking system.

Usage & Responsibilities

Skippers are personally responsible for the safety of their crew and the boat when on board in a boat.

Skippers are entitled to follow all maritime rules applying where the boats are used. This include also boat usage in foreign countries.

Users are responsible for appropriate handling of the boats and the equipment to prevent any damage other than regular usage conditions.

Skippers are required to perform an online check-in and a check-out procedure at start and end of their booking period. Precise rules apply for check-in and check-out procedures. Skippers and crew shall follow the procedures for boat mooring, boat equipment storage, and cleaning procedures. These are also mentioned in check-in and check-out procedures. Skippers shall report any  damage or missing equipment during check-in and check out procedures.

If a skipper notice that he or she will not be able to check-in or check-out procedures corresponding to their booking time, he or she should inform other users that may be concerned by the delay. In case of unforeseen booking cancellation, skipper can warn other skippers through facebook page to indicate boat availability.


Serious injury to a person resulting from the use of the boat should be reported immediately to healthcare services.

Damage to the boat and/or the equipment

All boats and third party liability are insured by KNS. However during sailing the skipper is responsible for the boat and equipment towards KNS and the skipper shall always be on board if not otherwise agreed with KNS. Any loss of parts and / or damage to the boat needs to be paid by the skipper. Maximum liability is limited to 8000 NOK per incident.

In case of damage or / and accident to the boat or to the equipment the skipper shall immediately consider to abort the training/sailing session. If the damage can worsen when sailing, the training shall be aborted and the boat returned to the harbour. For damages under the waterline, the boat shall be lifted up on land immediately after return to the harbour.

In case of damage to the sails, the damaged sails shall be taken down and placed in the equipment container with a “repair” request note.

For any damage, the skipper shall ensure that priority is given to repair and not sailing. This is to ensure that the boat will be ready to sail for the next booking.

The skipper and the crew shall follow damage handling guidelines described in the User Manual

Steeling, vandalism, or fire shall also be reported to police in addition to KNS administration.

Reporting damage or missing equipment

Handling boats carefully before during and after sailing is essential to keep the subscription fee as low as possible. All users are responsible to handle boats, sails and equipment with care.

In case of collision or damage to the boat, sails and other equipment listed in the equipment check-list must be reported immediately to KNS administration and in the check-in check out web-form.

In case of a collision with another boat during a regatta, the skipper shall address the collision with the skipper of the other boat, also involving the regatta committee when applicable.

For all collisions with damage to another boat or property, the skipper shall report to KNS administration immediately.

Damage frequency

KNS has the right to track the damage frequency related to boatpool users. Users with particularly high damage accountability may be excluded.

Gross negligence

In cases where the insurance company seeks recourse due to gross negligence or other conditions based on the boatpool user, KNS has the right to apply for the claim covered by the boatpool user.

General conditions

All boatpool members shall follow KNS boatpool rules. KNS has the right to update rules and conditions without preliminary agreement with the users. KNS has the right to exclude temporarly or permanently boatpool members who do not follow the boatpool rules and procedures. Excluded members are not entitled to claim reimbursment of the paid membership fee. 

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